Promex Cook & Bake 250g

This is produced with a blend of vegetable fats along with New Zealand grass-fed milk fat.

It is meticulously crafted with the right ratio to preserve the aromatic and buttery taste. This melange may add a little something special with the way it elevates the flavour in any recipes.


Serving Size / Saiz Hidangan 10 g
Servings Per Package / Hidangan Setiap Bungkusan 25
Average Composition / Purata Komposisi Per 100 g / Setiap 100 g Per Serving / Setiap Hidangan
Energy / Tenaga 3096 kJ 310 kJ
Carbohydrate / Karbohidrat 1.1 g 0.1 g
Total Sugars / Jumlah Gula 1.1 g 0.1 g
Protein / Protein 0.8 g 0.1 g
Fat / Lemak 81.4 g 8.1 g
Sodium / Natrium 673.6 mg 67.4 mg

Additional information

Ingredient / Ramuan

Palm Oil, Palm Kernel Oil, Cow’s Milk Fat, Skimmed Milk Powder (Cow’s Milk) and Salt. Contains emulsifiers (soy based) as permitted food conditioner. Contains permitted preservative, antioxidant, colouring substance and flavouring substance. / Minyak Kelapa Sawit , Minyak Isirong Kelapa Sawit , Lemak Susu Lembu , Susu Tepung Skim (Susu Lembu) dan Garam. Mengandungi pengemulsi sumber soya) sebagai kondisioner makanan yang dibenarkan. Mengandungi bahan pengawet , antipengokida , bahan pewarna dan bahan perisa yang dibenarkan.

Allergen / Alergen

Contains milk and soy products. / Mengandungi produk susu dan soya.

Storage Advice

Keep Refrigerated at 0 °C to 4 °C. / Simpan pada Suhu 0 °C to 4 °C.